«Выращивание черной смородины

Cousts Of Humor

Черная смородинаIt's not the mountains, but it's known that June is the most favourable period for growth in the middle lane. At that time, the soil under plant contains pulmonary and clean conditions. Multiple booths and accessories will facilitate their processing.

The weakness of the moisture slows the growth of bites, and during the formation and pouring, the berry causes them to be crushed and depleted. It is particularly important to rinse black fodders during intensive growth and the formation of bonds (early June) and during the flood (third December, first December). Wet the depth of the root layer, about 30-40 cm. Indicative water flow 20-30 l per m2. It is possible to rinse by beards or by circular cans which are made between 30 and 40 cm from the end of the bush and 10 to 15 cm deep. Around the bites, we can set up tidal sites that limit the ground valleys to 15 cm high. After the tidals, vomit as soon as it drys a little bit so it doesn't produce crust.Молодые кусты смородины The Council will seal the soil near a brush and inside its overfishing, slurry, decomposition.

With good and strong mauling (10-15 kg under the bush), the need for soil irrigation and streaming is significantly reduced.

In June, berry bushes, especially on lung sand soils, feed the slurry (1 l standing on the water bucket) or plant avian rim (0, 5 l per water bucket). One bucket of solvent flow for two to three buses. If organic fertilizers are not available, they can be replaced with complete minerals. Every fertilizing bush makes 10 to 15 g urea, 20 g superphosphate and 10 to 15 g sulphur dioxide. The feeds should be matched to the poles.

In addition, a non-indigenous sub-machine can be carried out, spraying micro-fertilization plants. In 10 litres of water, dissolve the copper foam 1-2 g, bornoid acid 2-2, 5, seroxy manganese 5-10, sulphuric zinc 2-3, molybdenoxide ammonium 2-3.

Созревшие ягоды смородины Саженец смородины
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