The Cucumbers In The Heat Of The Winter
I really recommend that we try the following: If there's a foundation, it's got a foam on it. The thickness is 0, 5 cm. It's not expensive, I settled in 4800. Put the foam on the edge of the inch heater at 10. Next, we fall down the ground to the edges of the greenhouse. Heating was infrared (value 8,750). There must be a bottom air vent (for the winter version, heated air to 16 g.) Polycarbonate followed by heat and made. The second heater is equipped exactly the same, but it's on the hydro and aeroponics. For both heaters with such data, it's fine at fever temperatures in the summer +38 and min in the winter -42 (Developed in the fall, checked all winter, spring and summer)
For those who build without a foundation, there's a special polyurethane-based material for comfort.
For those who build without a foundation, there's a special polyurethane-based material for comfort.
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