огурцы в теплице

Fertilizer Cultivation In The Greenhouse

Огурцы в теплице: от рассады до сбора урожая. Как правильно?Contents:

In order to have the cucumbers scattered by the beginning of the summer and put it in the greenhouse, the seeds must be planted now. Let's talk about how to raise a good sand, how to put it in the greenhouse and take care of the cucumbers.

Drawing and caring for her

The seeds are planted 30 days before they land in the greenhouse. The 10x10 cm in the throats, which are fixed tightly to each other, then they are covered by a polyethylene film and maintain a temperature of 25 to 27 °C.

After the first arrival, the film is removed. Coloured by heat (25 - 28 °C). As growth occurs, plants do not touch each other with leaves (approximately 40 sts per m2), which prevents their extraction. The current temperature is maintained at between 18 and 20 °C, the daily temperature is 21 to 23 °C, the relative humidity of the air is 70 to 75 per cent.

The flow rate depends on the growth phase and ambient temperature. For good supply of plants, water must be provided in such a way that water reaches the roots. If the depth of the panes, for example, is 3 cm draught, 3 litres of water per m2. During the fertilization, the roots penetrate in depth by 15 to 18 cm, naturally water between 15 and 18 litres per m2.

Growing I'll have a cucumber. They feed every 8-10 days. For this purpose the following solutions shall be used:

  1. For 10 litres of water, two sheets of liquid organic fertilizer Agrícola Vegeta or Agrícola Forward are added, ranging from 2 to 3 litres per m2 or 0, 5 glass per pot;
  2. The second solution is to be produced from mineral organic fertilizers: 10 litres of water are added 1 capsulu of the Cornerost root stimulant and 1 full Cemir Lux mineral fertilizer, cutting 2 litres of solution per m2. Or 10 litres of water are added at one o'clock of urea, potassium sulphate, superphosphate, Agricola 5. Cost between 3 and 4 l per m2.
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