Sad Strawberries
Useful properties
Strawberries are not just delicious dessert, as many people think it is. In fact, it is very useful and important to our diet, as it saturates the organism with the necessary substances.
The best strawberries contain:
- Group B vitamins;
- Vitamin C;
- Carotine;
- Cellular;
- folic acid;
- Pecines;
- Organic acids.
They also have chemical elements such as iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese.
Contains many useful substances, with no complete cholesterol and fat.
Diversity of varieties
Tubers: varieties, characteristics, yields
Such a classification of strawberries: early, medium, late and continuous fertility. The main classes and their short characteristics are read below.
The wounded are especially loved by the lucky ones who look forward to the first harvest.
One of the earliest species in Italy. The clerks are large or medium, characterized by good taste, remarkable appearance. The berries are brilliant, scream-red. She is not afraid of leave stains, root rot, but is infected with chlorosis. I don't believe it, it's a good harvest when you land in the spring for the second year. It's not bad for transport because it's tight.
Clary's club. One of the earliest forgeries in Italy.
A famous American class. He's cold, he's not suffering from leaf, roots. The terrain of this species is characterized by large fruits of dark red colour, with a slight acidic taste. Honey's well transported and stored.
Honay's character and crop. A famous American guy. He's cold, he's not afraid of leaf diseases, roots.
One of the most popular species in Italy. Transported without problems, resisting the disease of the root system, can be stored for a long time. By raising it under cover, you'll get a great early harvest. The alba gardener is huge in size, beautifully saturated.
Alba. Graduated in Italy, characterized by great fermentation
The Italian ranchpel, came after Alba and Clery crossed, resisted to root diseases, leaves. Also, the winter resistant to transport has long maintained useful properties. Anita's berries are bright, huge and delicious.
Average gardener
They have the sweetest tastes because they get the maximum amount of sunlight.
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